
2007年6月26日: 2007 June 26 DAY 10

Dempster Highway KM 0 -> Eagle Plains, Dempster Highway KM 369
雨 Rain






泥が深い為一人では起こせないので助けを来るのを待っていると、キャンピングカーが停まってくれる。その直後に、今回の目的地であるEagle Plainsからビュイルで来たライダーも手伝ってくれバイクを起こす。



同じ日に、明日の予定である区間を走っていたBMW 650GSのライダーも転倒し、彼は運悪くバイクの下敷きになり肋骨を骨折し、イヌビットの病院に入院しているとのことであった。


In spite of nasty rain since yesterday, a challenge for the Dempster Highway began. There were 4 riders (2 on GS and the other 2 on Suzuki) staying at the same lodge, just saying hello and I left before them.

Paved section goes only the first 2 miles. Then, long-long dirt begins. The road looked OK even under light rain (even no dust thanks to rain). Hilly sections were muddy and keen attention was paid to clear the difficult part. On the deep mud of uphill, tough acceleration on 1st or 2nd gear was successful to escape the difficult part. After the top of hill, another mud came and front tire lost control, resulting in hard fall-down. The bike slipped out to the edge of the road. I was almost under the bike, but only the top of light leg was under the bike. Edge of boxer engine saved my foot and damage was minimum and I was OK. This was the first big falling down and I tried to stay calm, waiting for rescue. A camping car and Buel rider stopped me and helped pulling up the bike. After then, a group of 4 riders arrived and they were kind enough to escorting me to today staying place, arriving at around 7PM. There were some riders overnight staying and waiting for the better weather coming out. It seemed too brave to try alone. It was said that a BMW 650 GS rider fell down near Inuvik section and severely damaged and hospitalized in Inuvik. I became well known to the tourists in the region.

Considering road situation, decision was made to follow the 4rider's plan of visiting the Arctic Circle and returning to the same lodge at Dempster Highway KM 0.

Distance (Today) 230 Miles (All section gravel)
Distance (Total) 2229 Miles