
2007年6月22日: 2007 June 22 DAY 6

Fort Nelson, BC -> Watson Lake, BC
曇->晴->雨 Cloudy->Fine->Rain









幾つかの宿を当たった後、BMW GSを含むバイクが数台停まっていたGateway Motor Lodgeに投宿(C$104)。




今まで1万マイル程度の走行は問題ないつもりでいたが、今回は途中でのタイヤ交換が必要かもしれない。 色々教えてくれた1200GSAdv乗りのアランは現在61歳。48歳で引退し世界中をバイクで旅しているとのこと。こちらも来年引退して(偶然同じ歳で)同じ様な生活に入ると言うと、"Very Good"との返事。


Weather varies of the second day on the Alaska Highway, starting with cloudy and getting fine, ending up with heavy rain (as usual). Traffic is getting lighter than the pervious section of Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson. The majority of vehicle is "camper", probably taking over 70% following with truck (15%), passenger car (10%), and motorcycle (5%). There are many BMW GSs on the highway. Harley riders are also on the road, but not as many as on the main land highways.

Scenery is largely viewed with "green" due probably with rich rainfall. The highway goes along with river and there are many nice rest spots. The problem is mosquito attach. It is difficult to take off helmet!

The highway stretches on the northern end of the Rocky Mountain. The highest point is just over 1200 meters, but temp. dropped to 43F, making electronic vest on.

At mountain section, there were mountain sheep on the road. After then, Buffalo warning sign appeared and expectation of seeing the buffalo rising. Going slowly, there were some cars stopping at the roadside and couples of buffalos were eating glass. It is really Canada!

Just before Watson Lake, leaving British Colombia (BC) and entering into Yukon Territory (YK). A group of dirt bikes are parked at Gateway Motel where I also have my place to stay. The group came from Arizona, composing of 1200GS Adventure, 1200GS, KTM Adventure(s) and 100GS Paris Dakar. Allan is the 1200GS Adv. rider and he is now 61 years old. He retired at his age of 48 and has been a globe-rider including Africa and China. It is coincident of my retirement plan is the same of his life, as my plan of retire is the next year at my age of 49. Allan gave me useful advice on Dalton Highway for the way to the northern end of Alaska, including road conditions, hotel availability and BMW dealer in Anchorage. His advice included tire change at the BMW dealer, as my tire will not be good for the return trip to Seattle. Let's me think about that!

本日走行:315 マイル
Distance (Today) 315 Miles
Distance (Total) 1414 Miles