
2007年6月23日: 2007 June 23 DAY 7

Watson Lake, BC -> Whitehorse, YK
晴->曇->雨->晴 Fair->CouldyaRain->Fair







ハーレーは、陸の王者(King of Highways)と呼ばれているが、それはあくまで舗装路での事。その点GSは、真の意味での陸の王者であり、King of Roadsと呼ぶにふさわしいであろう。




It is the third day of Alaska Highway and last leg of the first section of Dawson Creek - Whitehorse. Weather was fine and finally clearing up from morning. Although most of the section was fine with modest temp., there was about 2 hours with heavy rain and very cold in the mountainous area. Due to continuous coldness, finger skin has been broken, which will be cured on the next day (rest day).

Today's destination is Whitehorse, capital of Yukon Territory. The name of Whitehorse coincides the name of famous Scotch whisky that I preferred to drink when I was a college student in Japan. During my first ride in the US about 3-decade ago, I first saw license plate of Alaska that was pictured with "Bear". Since then, I have been dreaming to tide on the Alaska Highway. By that time, the ride would be adventure, as the most of road sections were unpaved. It has been become "normal" touring course thanks to engineering technology advance.

After about 70-mile comfortable ride, under-construction section of about 10 miles showed up. If I rode a heavy bike like K1200LT, I would have to be uneasy. This GS gives me even almost the same comfortability on both paved and unpaved conditions, which is really great to riding up the any terrain of roads. Harley is called the King of (Paved) Highways, but GS must be named the King of (any kind of) Roads.

Many riders who I met before came across either on the highway (passing me) or rest areas. It is something similar of my riding in Hokkaido many years ago. Either clockwise or unti-crockwise, there were many chances to meet again on the roads. It is similar on the Alaska Highway, or even higher the chance, as highway is only one but nothing else. I rode at slow pace at 55-60 mile per hour and many riders passed me, maybe at 60-70 miles per hour. However, thanks to no need of gas charge and lunch break, I always reach the final destination earlier then they do. It is like the Aesop story of "Rabbit and Turtle".

At Whitehorse, latitude exceeds 60 not far from the Arctic Circle!

Distance (Today) 265 Miles
Distance (Total) 1679 Miles